Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lizzy & Lucy's blessing

I went up to the bay area last weekend to see my little brother bless his baby girls. They didn't make a peep and the blessings their Daddy gave them were beautiful. We took these pics at a park we went to after church where we met up with other family. I am so glad I was able to make it up there for their special day.

This is my little brother, Paul, holding Lucy, and his adorable wife, Suzy, holding Lizzy.

My brother, Mark, me, Paul with Lucy, Suzy with Lizzy, my Mom and Dad. These two brothers and I were known as the "3 little ones" until just a few years ago. :)

Gab took the next two pics and I thought they were too cute not to post. She sure does love her uncles and she is so lucky to have 8 that are so wonderful to her.

And here is the last pic, Gaby thought it was so cool that she was up so high! I was amazed at Uncle Mark's thigh strength to climb up on this table with an extra 60 pounds on his shoulders!

1 comment:

Paul and Suzy said...

I love the pictures that Gaby took! It was fun seeing you guys! Hope we can see you again soon!