Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gaby's first meet this season

Gaby had her first meet for the 2009 season last weekend. She got 1st place for tumbling

4th for double mini...double mini is similar to vault in artistic gymnastics because they run up to it and do some type of flipping and/or twisting off but instead of having a table or horse to push off of, there's just a smaller, ramped trampoline. so they do one skill (flip, twist or just a jump) on and another off. i think she's getting ready to do a barani off on this one which is a front flip with a half twist.

and she was 5th on tramp.

she did great and had a blast. this meet was held at her gym and i'm not sure if she had more fun competing or selling raffle tickets, handing out awards, and running around with all the other kids the rest of the weekend. the front row below is the portion of her gym that competed in the same session as her.


Mags Jaussi said...

Right on Gaby! You make such a cute gymnast! Miss you gals lots! I hope we can come out there sometime this year either with one baby or two, i am not sure which to dare...frequent stopping or lots of bottle feeding??? Anyway - love you and miss ya, see ya soon!

Deb said...

Congratulations, Gabs! Do you have any video? We're so proud of you!!

Paul and Suzy said...

Congratulations Miss Gaby! You ROCK!

Deb said...

Amy - what is your new email address? I assumed the pacific life one was invalid - I want to send you an invite to Ellea's blog.