Monday, November 10, 2008

My Tina

Yes, she's MY Tina. We met 17 (holy cow, I can't believe it's been that long!!!) years ago when she came out from Utah to go to church Girl's Camp. Her Granparents and I went to the same church and they introduced us the night before we left for camp so she would know someone before we got there. We were instant best friends and, although we've only lived in the same state for a few months, have stayed very close since. I love her like a sister (Gaby calls her Auntie Tina, and considers her girls her cousins), she's always there for me, and my life is better with her in it. She sent me these pics of her adorable girls and I just had to share them because they are so adorable! I really wish that we lived closer to each other because I would love to be a part of these girls lives. Here they are...

Maisie is 2, and very excited to have her pic taken
Maddie is 4, and likes to keep her Mom on her toes
and beautiful Alyssa is 8

1 comment:

life in balance 4 you said...

ahhh... I love you!!! I wish we lived close too, give me a few more yrs :)