So, my little sunshine has major aspirations of becomimg a rock star...and who am I to crush her dreams? She asked for and got a guitar for Christmas a couple years ago, and would love to take lessons but I'm not sure I can work that into my budget as she doesn't want to give up gym, and wants to be on the swim team as well. Someday we'll work it out, but until then...
We went to Livermore last weekend for the state championship meet for her gymnastics, and since my step-parents (not really, but I'm the Camilla they never had :)), the Coolbears, live about 5 minutes away from where the meet was held, we had to take advantage of the great opportunity and spend the night with them. Being the wonderfully fun dream-makers that the Coolbears are, they helped us make Gaby's first rock video. Thanks to Kayla and Rosemary for being awesome back-up dancers, Mary for her mad drumming skills, and David for his videoing and editing to make it a masterpiece. And Ian, we're gonna suck you in next time! Without further it is, (Oh, and enjoy the free video, I may have to start charging after this goes public)